Hi! today I'll tell about my favourite technological piece...

My favourite
gadget is my mp3! It looks exactly like the black in the picture.

I got it when I realized that travelling without music it's too boring. So, I saved money and I bought it
last year. Now, I don't get bored because I can listen to music every time that I go home or every time that I go back to Santiago, I use it every day when I go to the university. It's so useful, I use it almost very day!

I love my mp3 because is full of differents types of music. It has music in spanish and in english, also I can burn files, pictures and I record classes in the "recording voice" option. The music that I carry on my mp3 is my company every time that I have to go to somewhere
, so if I wouldn't have my mp3, it would seem that time goes slowly.

I hope I have been able to express to you how important is my mp3.

Thanks for
passing by!
See you soon...

5 comentarios:

susan b-side dijo...

I really think that music is the best company when you have to travel alone...
It's nice your mp3!
See you =)

Constanza Biscarra Mc-Naughton dijo...

Hi Lau!
I really liked your description because I love music too and I think your mp3 has a beautiful design and is also very useful, see you, take care =)

Lici dijo...

Dear student
Some suggestions
-"It looks...2
-"that travelling ...."
-"..different types..."
-"..it would seem..."

see you

vale_tobar dijo...

i love the design of you blog....
and i love you mp3 too!!!

Caroliss dijo...

Hello Laurilla!

I have the same MP3!
Is very beatiful, small and fuctional!
The music is the best, I don´t live without it!

Take care!

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