My favourite subject

I'm in third year of psychology in the University of Chile in this term and my favourite subject is Forensic Psychology. I like this subject because I think it’s interesting how explains criminology and victimology, I also like it because there’s differents theorical currents that explains all kinds of phenomenons related with this psychology’s area. For example, I like how they see the system’s responsibility in the generation of crime and how the offender is a victimizer but, at the same time, a victimized of the society’s systems.

This subject is given for Carolina Villagra, a psychologist specialized in this area. Actually, she did a master in Britain of forensic psychology a few years ago. Also, there’s others psychologists specialized in other areas of the forensic psychology.

I’ve learn a lot o things this term, not just of this subject. I’ve learn things that I believe will make me a better psychologist. I’ve had contact with more practical views that make me realize how much a psychologist can contribute to the comunnity and the society.

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Lici dijo...


"how it explains.."
"there are different...that explain...related to"
"a victim of ..."
"is given by..."
"there are other psychologists..."
"I have learnt...about this ..."

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