Dreaming of the future...

In five years from now, I’ll 26…so, I think I’ll be young yet for starting to think about things like making a family or getting marriage by then, I just know that I would love to be happy with my family and my friends, like everyone would want! But thinking about my professional life the things seems clearer. I would like to be successfull in my career, for that time I hope I'll be working in forensic psychology, ideally, in jail or in the CAVAS; a center of care for victims of sexual abuse.

As dreaming doesn’t cost anything and we can dream everytime we want, I would love been working in clinical psychology too, but only one or two days a week only with a few patients. I’ll love keep studing, specially some courses in other countries or even in other continents about specifics areas of psychology like: criminology, victimology or clinical psychology for youngs and adults .

Actually, I haven’t thinking about the place where I’m going to live. Maybe I would live here in Santiago and I’ll run away to Curicó to visit my family on weekends like I do now. Or maybe my dreams may come true and I’ll be living in Europe while I'm studing a magister in England, traveling around the world...anyway, who knows?

1 comentarios:

Lici dijo...

Some suggestions

"I will be.."
"getting married..."
"seem clearer.."
"I would love to keep.."
"I haven`t thought.."
"a Master`ss.."


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