
I’m not from here, I live in Curicó and so speak about my experience before to the Transantiago is impossible. In Curicó the system works, there’re a lot of buses and the waiting time is very short not like in Santiago. That’s why I think one of the worse things about it, is the time that takes to get somewhere. I think that one of the reasons that makes it slower than in Curicó isn’t just the traffic and the big number of cars, it’s also because the buses are too big and there’s many people in every bus and they go to different places.

I came to Santiago when the system was starting. In that time the change was very hard to me, even till now when I come back from vacations I forget the time it takes to get to the university or I believe that the bus will pass in a few minutes. In that time, I used to take the bus like more that an hour and wait for even more that thirty minutes, now it’s that much but still isn’t like in my city, where you almost don’t need to wait.

I think that the system is better than in the beginning, but not good yet because there’s people that waste more time that they used to before this system. So, I would regulate the frequency of the buses making it more reliable and I would try to decrease the waiting time.

.: A country I would like to visit :.

Since I was little I have thought about make a travel to Europe and now that I’m young I really hope to do it some day when I’ll have the miens. Choosing just a country to meet it’s very hard for me, but if I have to choose I would have to say France. Maybe I choose it for the things that I now about it: the pictures I have seen, the documentaries of the place, the food and the people. But, what I most love about France is that is a very cultural country. I love the french music and also the french films like the ones of Jean-Luc Godard.
If I were there I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Triumph Arch, the restaurants and the coffee shop. I would like walk on the streets taking pictures of everything I may see, get into every museum and theater I would find and even stop in every corner and every place with live music.
But even I would love to go, I’m not sure about if I would like to live there forever, I would miss my country: the people, the food and the culture. However, study or work in Paris for example sounds very interesting and exciting, especially because I would have the time and money to enjoy about every corner I can.

Good and bad points

The last term I studied about the areas of specialties of the psychology, like organizational psychology, communitary, forensic, clinical and educational. That term was very interesting and useful for making decisions about what my partners and I want to work in the future.
In those classes I had to make a lot of works, one for every class during all the term and although they took a long time was great the feeling that I was learning about theories, people and psychology in all its areas.

When I had free time I went to my house in Curicó to meet my family and friends and when I was in Santiago I went out with my boyfriend or my friends. We went to see a movie to the cinema or to their houses and in other times we went out for dancing and having a good time. The last term I didn’t work out, but now I feel that sports are missing in my life…so I took aerobics in the university.

The last term was easy for me, I missed my family very much specially my little niece. I missed her birthday and the birthdays of my mom and my dad because weren’t in the weekend. Also, I missed to be with my mother, go out with her in the evening and see movies while we were knitting at nights.