Keane: second time, front row...

I really love music, it makes my day…it’s the thing that wakes me up in the mornings and most of the times, the one that makes me dream being awake.
This year I had the good luck of being in the concert one of my favorite’s bands: Keane. Although it wasn’t the last concert I went (the last one was Radiohead) it was the most exciting.
Keane is an England musical group that plays rock piano and alternative rock; with very harmonic melodies… they were known at the beginning for using only piano and drums in their creations. They become to Chile in early March of this year for the second time and they play in the “Movistar arena”, in Santiago.
They have always being my favorite so my brother took me to their concert like a birthday gift and because he also likes enjoy with their music he try to buy the sits closer to the stage but we weren’t close enough to see them. So, when they show up in stage and start to play “the lovers are losing” we run together and we try to pass the guards. It was useless, a guard tried to took us out of the concert but his chief called us and allowed us saw the concert next to the “fan club” in the front row.
It has been the best concert of my life, although is haven’t being in that much!


I’m not from here, I live in Curicó and so speak about my experience before to the Transantiago is impossible. In Curicó the system works, there’re a lot of buses and the waiting time is very short not like in Santiago. That’s why I think one of the worse things about it, is the time that takes to get somewhere. I think that one of the reasons that makes it slower than in Curicó isn’t just the traffic and the big number of cars, it’s also because the buses are too big and there’s many people in every bus and they go to different places.

I came to Santiago when the system was starting. In that time the change was very hard to me, even till now when I come back from vacations I forget the time it takes to get to the university or I believe that the bus will pass in a few minutes. In that time, I used to take the bus like more that an hour and wait for even more that thirty minutes, now it’s that much but still isn’t like in my city, where you almost don’t need to wait.

I think that the system is better than in the beginning, but not good yet because there’s people that waste more time that they used to before this system. So, I would regulate the frequency of the buses making it more reliable and I would try to decrease the waiting time.

.: A country I would like to visit :.

Since I was little I have thought about make a travel to Europe and now that I’m young I really hope to do it some day when I’ll have the miens. Choosing just a country to meet it’s very hard for me, but if I have to choose I would have to say France. Maybe I choose it for the things that I now about it: the pictures I have seen, the documentaries of the place, the food and the people. But, what I most love about France is that is a very cultural country. I love the french music and also the french films like the ones of Jean-Luc Godard.
If I were there I would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Triumph Arch, the restaurants and the coffee shop. I would like walk on the streets taking pictures of everything I may see, get into every museum and theater I would find and even stop in every corner and every place with live music.
But even I would love to go, I’m not sure about if I would like to live there forever, I would miss my country: the people, the food and the culture. However, study or work in Paris for example sounds very interesting and exciting, especially because I would have the time and money to enjoy about every corner I can.

Good and bad points

The last term I studied about the areas of specialties of the psychology, like organizational psychology, communitary, forensic, clinical and educational. That term was very interesting and useful for making decisions about what my partners and I want to work in the future.
In those classes I had to make a lot of works, one for every class during all the term and although they took a long time was great the feeling that I was learning about theories, people and psychology in all its areas.

When I had free time I went to my house in Curicó to meet my family and friends and when I was in Santiago I went out with my boyfriend or my friends. We went to see a movie to the cinema or to their houses and in other times we went out for dancing and having a good time. The last term I didn’t work out, but now I feel that sports are missing in my life…so I took aerobics in the university.

The last term was easy for me, I missed my family very much specially my little niece. I missed her birthday and the birthdays of my mom and my dad because weren’t in the weekend. Also, I missed to be with my mother, go out with her in the evening and see movies while we were knitting at nights.

My blogging experience...

In general I didn’t enjoy my english class. I had more expectations compared with what happened in the class. At the beginning of this term, I was excited because I like english very much, but now I feel that I didn’t learn new things. I feel I didn’t improved my english level and that’s one of the reasons why I didn’t enjoy the blogging experience. That’s because I think it didn’t help me to learn more of that the english that I’ll really now, so I’m very disappointed with the line of the english classes in the university. It seems that these courses aren’t made for people who didn’t have a clue of english when we started and actually I believe that the people in charge of directing maybe forget that.

But even I think all this, a blogging advantage it that helps us to practice the written english way. What I didn’t like of this way and that I truly believe it’s a disadvantage is that in anywhere we learned the rules of writing. When I review the blog every week I can see my mistakes but I think that after that there's a missing part, like a way we can learn the rules, so we can understand what’s behind those mistakes.

Another disadvantage is the constant assistance we must have for not loose the points for the blogging activity. So, all the time we must have to do it and also to be at class it’s just for english and the problem is at this part of the term... when we are completely full of works and tests, tired and with many things to do yet.

Also, I think that blogs idea is interesting, but is not too entertainment because of the topics about we must write. Most of the time we must write about things related with psychology and university it's already about it and all our day it turns around psychology isn’t to exciting =(

Growing out of creativity

In this video of a conference, Ken Robinson speaks about creativity and education. He says that humans are creative for nature, that even all children are talented and that this talents are wasted for the society.
Something I find very interesting about what Ken says in the video is the importance of children aren't affraid to be wrong and that taking risks allows to be original. This capacity is lost as you grow up until you become an adult.
The education system doesn't give the same importance to mathematics and arts or dance. This is a huge problem because persons aren't just a brain, their have bodies too. But in some how people forget that and live just for their mind.
Robinson speaks of the purpose of education and that this makes -professionals for the market, how this system leaves the many ways of intelligence that people have and how we need a human ecology for a better future for our children.

My favourite subject

I'm in third year of psychology in the University of Chile in this term and my favourite subject is Forensic Psychology. I like this subject because I think it’s interesting how explains criminology and victimology, I also like it because there’s differents theorical currents that explains all kinds of phenomenons related with this psychology’s area. For example, I like how they see the system’s responsibility in the generation of crime and how the offender is a victimizer but, at the same time, a victimized of the society’s systems.

This subject is given for Carolina Villagra, a psychologist specialized in this area. Actually, she did a master in Britain of forensic psychology a few years ago. Also, there’s others psychologists specialized in other areas of the forensic psychology.

I’ve learn a lot o things this term, not just of this subject. I’ve learn things that I believe will make me a better psychologist. I’ve had contact with more practical views that make me realize how much a psychologist can contribute to the comunnity and the society.

Dreaming of the future...

In five years from now, I’ll 26…so, I think I’ll be young yet for starting to think about things like making a family or getting marriage by then, I just know that I would love to be happy with my family and my friends, like everyone would want! But thinking about my professional life the things seems clearer. I would like to be successfull in my career, for that time I hope I'll be working in forensic psychology, ideally, in jail or in the CAVAS; a center of care for victims of sexual abuse.

As dreaming doesn’t cost anything and we can dream everytime we want, I would love been working in clinical psychology too, but only one or two days a week only with a few patients. I’ll love keep studing, specially some courses in other countries or even in other continents about specifics areas of psychology like: criminology, victimology or clinical psychology for youngs and adults .

Actually, I haven’t thinking about the place where I’m going to live. Maybe I would live here in Santiago and I’ll run away to Curicó to visit my family on weekends like I do now. Or maybe my dreams may come true and I’ll be living in Europe while I'm studing a magister in England, traveling around the world...anyway, who knows?

A "piece" of systemic therapy...

Today, I’ll write about a person that I believe has contribute to the modern psychology, especially to the therapy family, in systemic therapy. This is man is Maurizio Andolfi from Italy. He founded the Academy of Italy, where psychologist from all parts of the world specializes about therapy family.

This neuropsychiatrist (just like Freud) created the theory of the “relational symposium” that rises about the importance of the conversation in therapy family and in the creation of the diagnosis. In this kind of therapy the psychologist doesn’t established the diagnosis. Here exists “hypothesis of diagnosis” that changes with the information that the family system brings in the sessions.

Even I don’t think he is the best, I like part of his thoughts. I like that he considerate family as a system of relations inside of many others systems that complex the human being, but helps to understand us. Hi speaks about “the parts of the system”, but he doesn’t make differences about a part of another, so I think that gives equality importance to every part and I like to think that every person is important in the family and their processes.

Thanks for passing by…
Good luck =)

I’m studying psychology in the University of Chile. Why do I studying this career? It’s a difficult question! I really don’t know why I chosen psychology. I think I always like it, but I wasn’t sure. I was going to study architecture but I don’t know what happened, I started to lose interest and then I chosen this career although many people of my family didn’t like the idea because of the money.

Sometimes I believe that I like psychology because I see that it offers a real help for people in general and they problems. A psychologist can work with people in so many areas; they can help them with their personal problems and also in so many cases, with their social problems. A psychologist can contribute with socials tools like the ones we learn in community psychology. Society and psychology are very complicated to write about it so little time!

I think I’ll need a lot of knowledge, but also I‘ll need the skills to face the many hard stories of life, the many problems that people can get, stories that even question priorities in life.

I would like to work children and adults in clinical psychology. But by the other hand, I too like forensic psychology, so I 'll love to work in both!

I’ve heard that one thing is study psychology and other one very different is be a psychologist. If this is real, I hope I’ll be one someday.

Hello again! Welcome, today I’m going to show something very important, I’ll write about a photograph that I like…

This photo is about my niece, her name is Javiera.

First, I must be honest and say that I love this photograph!
This photograph shows her lying down in the sofa. I find it very pretty even it’s simple at the same time. Maybe I like it because she looks very tender.

This photograph was taken this summer, exactly in January when me and my family were in vacations. This photograph wasn’t taken for a professional photographer jaja! It was taken for my sister when we were playing with my niece. In this photograph Javiera was just nine months old.

I like this photograph because it’s actually the only photograph where she looks still jajajaja. Anyone of my family had ever achieved something like that! As a matter of fact, she was in this position only like two seconds. It was a very accurate shot =)

Think in one of your favourite photographs and write about it!

See you next time!

Hi! thanks por passing by once again, today I'll talk to you about my favourite website.

The website related with psycology that I like to visit is Scielo and the direction is There’s a website also at Chile: .

This place is not actually about psychology only. It’s a place where you can find investigations, papers and review articles of differents disciplines, like are: socioligy, education, economy and even science made in many countries by differents investigators. I like this place because it’s very useful for making works for the university, especially investigation, because many times you can find papers with an empirical data.

I visite this website every time that I need to do a theoretical or practical work. In this website you can search for the information with keywords and find anything you need, you just need patience =)

I knew this website last year, in the class of “Qualitative Methodology” when we had to do an investigation of a theme that we wanted. So, my group and I chose “Gay and Lesbian Parenthood”, this was a very dificult subject so we had to search even in english!

I hope you can use it if you need anything

Good luck!

Hi! today I'll tell about my favourite technological piece...

My favourite
gadget is my mp3! It looks exactly like the black in the picture.

I got it when I realized that travelling without music it's too boring. So, I saved money and I bought it
last year. Now, I don't get bored because I can listen to music every time that I go home or every time that I go back to Santiago, I use it every day when I go to the university. It's so useful, I use it almost very day!

I love my mp3 because is full of differents types of music. It has music in spanish and in english, also I can burn files, pictures and I record classes in the "recording voice" option. The music that I carry on my mp3 is my company every time that I have to go to somewhere
, so if I wouldn't have my mp3, it would seem that time goes slowly.

I hope I have been able to express to you how important is my mp3.

Thanks for
passing by!
See you soon...

Hi! Welcome to my blog =)

My name is Laura and i'm a student on the thirth of psychology in the University of Chile.

I'm in english 3, pre-intermediate level. Personally, for me it's easier to talk in english than write it, I can understand conversations and follow them. There are a lot of words that I can pronounce but I don't not how to write them. So sometimes it is kind of difficult.

I like english, I like to watch movies and series and listen to music in english since I was a little girl.
I think english is a very important tool for work and life in general. I believe english makes life easier, for studing and traveling specially.

Thanks for reading!