My blogging experience...

In general I didn’t enjoy my english class. I had more expectations compared with what happened in the class. At the beginning of this term, I was excited because I like english very much, but now I feel that I didn’t learn new things. I feel I didn’t improved my english level and that’s one of the reasons why I didn’t enjoy the blogging experience. That’s because I think it didn’t help me to learn more of that the english that I’ll really now, so I’m very disappointed with the line of the english classes in the university. It seems that these courses aren’t made for people who didn’t have a clue of english when we started and actually I believe that the people in charge of directing maybe forget that.

But even I think all this, a blogging advantage it that helps us to practice the written english way. What I didn’t like of this way and that I truly believe it’s a disadvantage is that in anywhere we learned the rules of writing. When I review the blog every week I can see my mistakes but I think that after that there's a missing part, like a way we can learn the rules, so we can understand what’s behind those mistakes.

Another disadvantage is the constant assistance we must have for not loose the points for the blogging activity. So, all the time we must have to do it and also to be at class it’s just for english and the problem is at this part of the term... when we are completely full of works and tests, tired and with many things to do yet.

Also, I think that blogs idea is interesting, but is not too entertainment because of the topics about we must write. Most of the time we must write about things related with psychology and university it's already about it and all our day it turns around psychology isn’t to exciting =(

Growing out of creativity

In this video of a conference, Ken Robinson speaks about creativity and education. He says that humans are creative for nature, that even all children are talented and that this talents are wasted for the society.
Something I find very interesting about what Ken says in the video is the importance of children aren't affraid to be wrong and that taking risks allows to be original. This capacity is lost as you grow up until you become an adult.
The education system doesn't give the same importance to mathematics and arts or dance. This is a huge problem because persons aren't just a brain, their have bodies too. But in some how people forget that and live just for their mind.
Robinson speaks of the purpose of education and that this makes -professionals for the market, how this system leaves the many ways of intelligence that people have and how we need a human ecology for a better future for our children.

My favourite subject

I'm in third year of psychology in the University of Chile in this term and my favourite subject is Forensic Psychology. I like this subject because I think it’s interesting how explains criminology and victimology, I also like it because there’s differents theorical currents that explains all kinds of phenomenons related with this psychology’s area. For example, I like how they see the system’s responsibility in the generation of crime and how the offender is a victimizer but, at the same time, a victimized of the society’s systems.

This subject is given for Carolina Villagra, a psychologist specialized in this area. Actually, she did a master in Britain of forensic psychology a few years ago. Also, there’s others psychologists specialized in other areas of the forensic psychology.

I’ve learn a lot o things this term, not just of this subject. I’ve learn things that I believe will make me a better psychologist. I’ve had contact with more practical views that make me realize how much a psychologist can contribute to the comunnity and the society.