Hi! thanks por passing by once again, today I'll talk to you about my favourite website.

The website related with psycology that I like to visit is Scielo and the direction is
http://www.scielo.org/. There’s a website also at Chile: http://www.scielo.cl/ .

This place is not actually about psychology only. It’s a place where you can find investigations, papers and review articles of differents disciplines, like are: socioligy, education, economy and even science made in many countries by differents investigators. I like this place because it’s very useful for making works for the university, especially investigation, because many times you can find papers with an empirical data.

I visite this website every time that I need to do a theoretical or practical work. In this website you can search for the information with keywords and find anything you need, you just need patience =)

I knew this website last year, in the class of “Qualitative Methodology” when we had to do an investigation of a theme that we wanted. So, my group and I chose “Gay and Lesbian Parenthood”, this was a very dificult subject so we had to search even in english!

I hope you can use it if you need anything

Good luck!

2 comentarios:

Denise dijo...

HI!!! I like you blog, is very nice!!
I know this page and I used it very often, when I have to prepare investigations.
I like the way you write.
See you in class, bye!!

susan b-side dijo...

This site is definitely very useful for us. Like you I have visited it many times!!
Good luck, too!!

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