Dreaming of the future...

In five years from now, I’ll 26…so, I think I’ll be young yet for starting to think about things like making a family or getting marriage by then, I just know that I would love to be happy with my family and my friends, like everyone would want! But thinking about my professional life the things seems clearer. I would like to be successfull in my career, for that time I hope I'll be working in forensic psychology, ideally, in jail or in the CAVAS; a center of care for victims of sexual abuse.

As dreaming doesn’t cost anything and we can dream everytime we want, I would love been working in clinical psychology too, but only one or two days a week only with a few patients. I’ll love keep studing, specially some courses in other countries or even in other continents about specifics areas of psychology like: criminology, victimology or clinical psychology for youngs and adults .

Actually, I haven’t thinking about the place where I’m going to live. Maybe I would live here in Santiago and I’ll run away to Curicó to visit my family on weekends like I do now. Or maybe my dreams may come true and I’ll be living in Europe while I'm studing a magister in England, traveling around the world...anyway, who knows?

A "piece" of systemic therapy...

Today, I’ll write about a person that I believe has contribute to the modern psychology, especially to the therapy family, in systemic therapy. This is man is Maurizio Andolfi from Italy. He founded the Academy of Italy, where psychologist from all parts of the world specializes about therapy family.

This neuropsychiatrist (just like Freud) created the theory of the “relational symposium” that rises about the importance of the conversation in therapy family and in the creation of the diagnosis. In this kind of therapy the psychologist doesn’t established the diagnosis. Here exists “hypothesis of diagnosis” that changes with the information that the family system brings in the sessions.

Even I don’t think he is the best, I like part of his thoughts. I like that he considerate family as a system of relations inside of many others systems that complex the human being, but helps to understand us. Hi speaks about “the parts of the system”, but he doesn’t make differences about a part of another, so I think that gives equality importance to every part and I like to think that every person is important in the family and their processes.

Thanks for passing by…
Good luck =)

I’m studying psychology in the University of Chile. Why do I studying this career? It’s a difficult question! I really don’t know why I chosen psychology. I think I always like it, but I wasn’t sure. I was going to study architecture but I don’t know what happened, I started to lose interest and then I chosen this career although many people of my family didn’t like the idea because of the money.

Sometimes I believe that I like psychology because I see that it offers a real help for people in general and they problems. A psychologist can work with people in so many areas; they can help them with their personal problems and also in so many cases, with their social problems. A psychologist can contribute with socials tools like the ones we learn in community psychology. Society and psychology are very complicated to write about it so little time!

I think I’ll need a lot of knowledge, but also I‘ll need the skills to face the many hard stories of life, the many problems that people can get, stories that even question priorities in life.

I would like to work children and adults in clinical psychology. But by the other hand, I too like forensic psychology, so I 'll love to work in both!

I’ve heard that one thing is study psychology and other one very different is be a psychologist. If this is real, I hope I’ll be one someday.