Hello again! Welcome, today I’m going to show something very important, I’ll write about a photograph that I like…

This photo is about my niece, her name is Javiera.

First, I must be honest and say that I love this photograph!
This photograph shows her lying down in the sofa. I find it very pretty even it’s simple at the same time. Maybe I like it because she looks very tender.

This photograph was taken this summer, exactly in January when me and my family were in vacations. This photograph wasn’t taken for a professional photographer jaja! It was taken for my sister when we were playing with my niece. In this photograph Javiera was just nine months old.

I like this photograph because it’s actually the only photograph where she looks still jajajaja. Anyone of my family had ever achieved something like that! As a matter of fact, she was in this position only like two seconds. It was a very accurate shot =)

Think in one of your favourite photographs and write about it!

See you next time!

Hi! thanks por passing by once again, today I'll talk to you about my favourite website.

The website related with psycology that I like to visit is Scielo and the direction is
http://www.scielo.org/. There’s a website also at Chile: http://www.scielo.cl/ .

This place is not actually about psychology only. It’s a place where you can find investigations, papers and review articles of differents disciplines, like are: socioligy, education, economy and even science made in many countries by differents investigators. I like this place because it’s very useful for making works for the university, especially investigation, because many times you can find papers with an empirical data.

I visite this website every time that I need to do a theoretical or practical work. In this website you can search for the information with keywords and find anything you need, you just need patience =)

I knew this website last year, in the class of “Qualitative Methodology” when we had to do an investigation of a theme that we wanted. So, my group and I chose “Gay and Lesbian Parenthood”, this was a very dificult subject so we had to search even in english!

I hope you can use it if you need anything

Good luck!

Hi! today I'll tell about my favourite technological piece...

My favourite
gadget is my mp3! It looks exactly like the black in the picture.

I got it when I realized that travelling without music it's too boring. So, I saved money and I bought it
last year. Now, I don't get bored because I can listen to music every time that I go home or every time that I go back to Santiago, I use it every day when I go to the university. It's so useful, I use it almost very day!

I love my mp3 because is full of differents types of music. It has music in spanish and in english, also I can burn files, pictures and I record classes in the "recording voice" option. The music that I carry on my mp3 is my company every time that I have to go to somewhere
, so if I wouldn't have my mp3, it would seem that time goes slowly.

I hope I have been able to express to you how important is my mp3.

Thanks for
passing by!
See you soon...